In Hyderabad, Eat here!

From roadside eateries to star hotels; from breakfast to midnight biryanis; and from mexican cuisine to hyderabadi; this blog attempts to provide you short write-ups for all the places I have eaten so far in Hyderabad!

Without much further ado, if you are looking for reviews of restaurants in Hyderabad by Alphabetic order (I have 403 so far!), click here. The labels to your right also show options for location and cuisine.

Needless to say, there will be continuous updates, and the list is never final! Happy eating!


To the moon, we will go soon!

The next time you look at the moon, tell him we are coming! :-)

I told my mom last night that the launch of Chandrayaan-1 will be at 6:22am. Now, she wakes me up at 5:15 only saying that maybe they will start the coverage earlier only! aaaa... anyways, I insisted and persisted that I will get up only when the alarm will go ring ( first at 5:30 and then at 5:39 :D) !

Coming back to our topic, what a sight it was :-) To see the glow in the faces of all scientists at Sriharikota. And more remarkable was the way all of them spoke after the satellite entered the earth orbit. Some 10 of them spoke, and were way too modest for an achievement of this kind. 1-2 liners congratulating everyone... that's all they spoke ! No big big bashans. But I hope they will have a big bash though..... because they all truly deserve it!

Now waiting for Chandrayaan-1 to get into the moon's orbit... More later !

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