In Hyderabad, Eat here!

From roadside eateries to star hotels; from breakfast to midnight biryanis; and from mexican cuisine to hyderabadi; this blog attempts to provide you short write-ups for all the places I have eaten so far in Hyderabad!

Without much further ado, if you are looking for reviews of restaurants in Hyderabad by Alphabetic order (I have 403 so far!), click here. The labels to your right also show options for location and cuisine.

Needless to say, there will be continuous updates, and the list is never final! Happy eating!


Monsoon is coming soon :(

Under normal circumstances, I would have welcomed the early monsoon. It must have been clear by now, I am not welcoming it. So what is the not so normal circumstance??

After facing a lot of pressure to buy an AC to beat the heat at home, I finally bought one 2 weeks back. And just when I began to fully experience the coolness inside, the monsoon has decided to rob me of the pleasure :(. I should have listened to some saner voices and bought the AC much earlier :D

That is the matter of India !

But keeping in mind the "larger interests of the nation", let us welcome the monsoon that has come soon :-)

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